Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Game Design II - Week 2 – September 18, 2012

           This week in the first class we actually had a pretty fun thing going on. We were given a bucket and a rubber ball and we were asked to design a game that involved putting the ball in the bucket and we were able to use everyone and everything around us as tools and resources. I was put in the second team at the back of the room and we came up with a pretty cool idea to turn the game into a foosball remake using real people. 

I’ve noticed that it was a lot harder to communicate with everyone on the team when trying to throw out ideas… That and also the fact that I barely even know any of the 3rd year students. I started to think after a while, that in the gaming industry, the teams are much larger than this… how is it possible for people to get their ideas out? Even if they are assigned certain roles, in a large team project it must be quite difficult to work things out… when we did this in class, everyone was kind of just screaming random things out whether they were heard or unheard. At first it seemed like our side was kind of unorganized because we were mainly focusing on how we could make the game fun, unlike the other team where they focused a lot more on how the layout of the level and stuff was going to work. They had chairs on top of the table and had a much more interactive game where the players would have to stand on the tables and jump across while trying to get the ball in. To be honest their game kind of reminded me of a modified version of lacrosse. 

Back to our game with the foosball, it was pretty simple; we would stand in rows with the offensive side facing one direction and the defensive side facing the other. The bucket would be placed in the center and each person was allowed to move one step to the left or right and could bump the ball once. If they let the ball hit the ground, they would have to throw it to the other team. If the ball were to fly out of bounds, one person would be designated to throw it back in randomly to the playing field, similar to the rules of foosball. It was really fun actually, and normally I don’t really participate in these things just because I don’t know anyone…

Since a lot of the focus on what we’ve been talking about has been relating to level design and stuff, it probably would have made more sense to focus on that for this game but oh well, it turned out fun. Speaking of level design, this whole Portal 2 level designing thing is starting to confuse me, I’m not a huge fan of the game but making these things are really fun and I often lose track of time while doing this… I feel the same way about modelling. We’ll see what happens tomorrow I guess. 

On a random side note, I still haven’t got my Kirby’s Collection from Future Shop… when will I find time?

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