Monday, November 19, 2012

Game Engines - Week 7 - Camera Control & Medium Progress

It’s going to be a hectic week, still no midterm marks, so I’m a little nervous about my progress in this course. As of now, I’ve been working a little bit on one of my medium assignments. I’m using my already created skybox (sky dome) program to create the camera control program as per the assignment guidelines since all the easy repetitive stuff in project creation is done. As of now I have a grass plane with some of my camera point of views already created. The first one was simply the first person view, which I’ve done just by attaching the camera to my object and moving it with the object. The cool thing about this is that it can also be used in our GDW game for our control scheme. Since our game is a first person adventure we will be using this type of view. I also managed to create the third person control simply by moving a camera behind the object, simple enough, it was still attached to the object so it would follow properly. I’ve managed to also create the cinematic camera on a separate camera this was simply done by creating a second ogre camera and just switching to that one when a specific key was pressed. The cinematic camera was placed in the sky and would view the entire scene and watch the object move around. 

As I now try to add the simple Maya Camera given to us, I’m having a lot of problems. The code works fine and is loading without any issues, but for some reason when I switch to my Maya Cam setting, the function does not work, and nothing happens at all. Not too sure what exactly is wrong with my code, hopefully I can figure this out soon, as I still have to fix up my over the shoulder camera, and also add the frustum boxes as requested by the professor. I’ve thought up several ways to go about creating these. For the over the shoulder camera I’m thinking it’s going to be a lot like our robotic arm assignment from the easy questions. 

I’ve also managed to get a PDF version of the course textbook and the Ogre3D programming textbook, this is really good for me because now I feel like I can completed some more readings of specific areas on my own with the simplicity of digital reading. CTRL+F for the win. Anyways, we’ll see what happens, hopefully by the end of the week I will have my medium assignments done and finally be able to at least write my final exam.

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