Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Human Computer Interaction - Blog 1

What’s My Passion?

If someone would ask me what my passion is, I would instantly be stumped; it’s not something I can sum up in a small matter of words. As seen in the mind map provided in the original homework assignment tab, passion can consist of many different feelings and goals. It can be broken down into what I would like to call, an organization and understanding of a person’s inner feelings. Though I made my presentation in class, I still am not 100 percent sure what my passion really is. I am aware of how I got where I am, what my motivation was, and what I’m hoping for in the future.

It all started when I was just a little boy and for the first time I had seen the movie Disney’s Dumbo, that movie with the baby elephant trapped in the circus with his family and had the giant ears. What was so special about this movie? It really captured my attention with the story and the music and even the funny comedic events that would amuse a small child. This eventually led me to begging my parents to buy or rent movies at the time on VHS. We only had one television set that the time in our house so I would usually end up watching with my older brother and mother. Throughout the years we would eventually watch every animated Disney film that came out, including Bambi, Peter Pan, Robin Hood, The Lion King and my personal favourite, Aladdin. As I got older I would go steal a sheet of blank paper from my dad’s printer and start drawing the characters from the movies that I watched. They weren’t the greatest drawings but it was something that I really enjoyed and gradually got better at. I would always grab the giant chart paper and chunky markers in kindergarten and try drawing some kind of low quality cartoon. Things escalated a lot more as I got older as I had a heavy interest in cartoons; from movies to comics to little three frame ones in the newspaper. 

It was then as a kid when my parents asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, and I said I wanted to make a cartoon television show. A nice childhood dream most would think, but things slowly became more difficult. As I went through elementary school, I would see students who overachieved and generally output much greater quality work than I could have ever done. My mind was not really focused on school and my marks would often just be average or below. Other life scenarios relating to passion interfered with the career goal as well.

 I had eventually just drawn myself fully into video games. I had been as a child always originally watching my brother play Super Mario Brothers 3 on NES. We eventually owned everything that came out by combining Christmas presents and birthday gifts. Super Nintendo had me almost fully obsessed with the Donkey Kong Country series as well as a lot of the fighting games such as Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. Nintendo 64 and Playstation had the greatest effect on me, when I first got the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, where I became so amazed by the stories that I went back and tracked all the previous ones. Other games like Kingdom Hearts and especially Final Fantasy X, really got me into video games. I decided during that high school time that I would try and become an animator, whether it was creating a memorable character that everyone knows and loves like Mario, or just being part of something as memorable as an animated movie.

It’s interesting to see what the gaming industry is going to look like in about 5 years. After viewing the provided video on the Oculus Rift, I actually got really excited; it’s taken something simple like a movement control as shown in the Doom demo and made it really simple and realistic. The IGN representative from the video even stated how once he had worn the device, it felt almost natural. I am kind of worried though if things become too interactive mainly since I’ve always felt the love and need to use a controller when playing games. I do not have a huge interest in movement games and devices like the Kinect or the Playstation Move. The Oculus Rift seems like something I’d be really in to because I can use it alongside controller. One thing I really do hope for in the future of gaming is to see the hologram technology that one of the people talked about, that would be really interesting in the world of online multiplayer gaming. I have been heavily involved in a lot of MMO games in the past and I’ve really enjoyed it. Though as I get older I doubt I’d ever really have the time to go about such things. The kids of the future will be delighted with the new technology coming out.

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